7th EUSAIR Forum - Tirana, 16th May 2022
Competitive labor costs, young, educated and skilled population, macroeconomic stability, custums-free access, a great potential for growth and support given by The Albanian Investment Development Agency (AIDA) through providing information and data, contacts, site visits, advices, personalized monitoring and ongoing assistance with various Albanian ministerial departments generate positive investment climate and attract investors. Italy is the most present Adriatic-Ionian country and more than 3000 Italian SMEs operate in Albania.
The Albanian government has identified 6 key sectors for investment: Tourism, Agriculture, Energy, Transport, Manufacture, ICT-BPO and TEDA. Tourism is one of the most important sectors with a major significance for the Albanian economy, both in monetary and employment aspects and with positive forecasts of further growth.
The Workshop was chaired by Alban Isteri, President of Durres Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Vicar Vice President of Forum of the Adriatic Ionian Chambers of Commerce with participation of Francesca Mondello, Director Tirana Office for Albania and Kosovo – ICE, Mileva Meksi, Director of the Investment Department, AIDA and Sara Zotaj, Head of investment and aftercare sector, AIDA, Ines Mucostepa – President of Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Donatella Romozzi from Regione Marche and Katerina Nejdlova from DG Grow, European Commission opened the event.
Source: EUSAIR EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region