Scope of this flagship is to establish a port network crossing along all EUSAIR countries and including all the ports belonging to the core and comprehensive network of the TEN-T Corridors involved. Ports should be considered as energy hubs including cold ironing and hybrid ships in order to achieve zero emissions. In this sense, ports will have a role also as hubs for circular economy. Moreover, the supply chain should achieve full digitalisation by using solutions to optimize traffic flows and by using ICT to exchange information in real time and to map local and macroregional needs in terms of connectivity.
- Italy-Croatia
- Central Europe
- IPA CBC South Adriatic (ItalyAlbania-Montenegro)
- IPA Adriatic Ionian
- IPA Greece Albania
- Greece-North Macedonia
SO 3.2 Developing and enhancing sustainable, climate resilient, intelligent and intermodal national, regional and local mobility, including improved access to TENT and crossborder mobility
Members of the Managing Authorities and Joint Secretariats of the ETC programs of the working group.
Contact person:
Technical assistance EUSAIR Stakeholder Platform - Facility Point Italy (Marche Regional Authority)
- Sijana Veledar
- Michele Giovenali