Flagship actions – Description

Tourism 4.0 and cultural cross-overs as listed in the NEAC (New European Agenda for Culture) are the basis to which connect and orient CCIs and SMEs supporting actions (foreseen by all the programmes). Creative clusters will be enlarged and fostered. Cultural routes are seen as a tool to support creative clusters excellence, consolidation and scale-up. E-services and common marketplace for AIR cultural routes are also actions that have high potentials for synergies.

Flagship action:

- Digitalization for SME and touristic operators

- Tourism data driven information system


Supporting Programmes

- Italy-Croatia

- Italy-Slovenia

- Central Europe


- Greece - Italy

- IPA CBC South Adriatic (Italy Albania-Montenegro)

- IPA Adriatic Ionian

- Slovenia - Croatia

- IPA Greece Albania

- IPA Croatia - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Montenegro

- Greece-North Macedonia

Specific objectives involved

SO 1.1 Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies


SO 1.3 Enhancing growth and competitiveness of SMEs and job creation in SMEs


SO 1.4 Developing skills for smart specialisation, industrial transition and entrepreneurship


SO 4.6 Enhancing the role of culture and sustainable tourism in economic development, social inclusion, and social innovation


Documents and figures

  • Digitisation of cultural heritage in Slovenia
  • EU Commission document new-european-agenda-for-culture


Members and participants

Members of the Managing Authorities and Joint Secretariats of the ETC programs of the working group.


Contact person:

Technical assistance Facility Point

Technical assistance EUSAIR Stakeholder Platform - Facility Point Italy (Marche Regional Authority)

- Sijana Veledar  

- Michele Giovenali